Project leaders

Núria Cid


is a freshwater ecologist working on the development and adaptation of river conservation and biomonitoring approaches in the context of global change. Her scientific path has been mainly focused on the study of temporary rivers. She is currently a senior researcher at IRTA’s Marine and Continental Waters Programme and a member of the FEHM-Lab.

Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles


is an ecologist interested in the conservation of aquatic biodiversity and the response of aquatic ecosystems to human activities. He is currently a Senior Scientist at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) and a member of the FEHM-lab.


Raúl Acosta


is an aquatic biologist interested in the taxonomy and ecology of streams macroinvertebrates and how the climate change affects its biodiversity. He is a researcher at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) and a member of the FEHM-lab.

Carles Alcaraz


is an aquatic ecologist interested in the impacts of climate change and invasive species on aquatic ecosystems and native biodiversity. He is currently a senior researcher at IRTA’s Marine and Continental Waters Programme and a member of the FEHM-Lab.

Paula Arribas


is a Ramón & Cajal researcher leading the soilEvoEco lab at the Ecology and Evolution on Islands research group (IPNA-CSIC, Tenerife). Paula is an evolutionary ecologist interested in arthropod biodiversity. Her research pivots on using the vast potential offered by High Throughput Sequencing to study the processes that generate and structure the enormous but largely undocumented diversity of arthropods.

Xavier Benito


is an aquatic ecologist seeking to address “when, where, and how much” different levels of biological organization (species, communities, and metacommunities) change following natural and human-cased disturbances. He is a Beatriu de Pinós-Marie Curie COFUND postdoctoral fellow at IRTA’s Marine and Continental Waters Programme and a member of the FEHM-Lab.

Núria Bonada


is a Serra Húnter Associate Professor in the Department of Ecology at the University of Barcelona and an ICREA Acadèmia fellow. She is the head of the FEHM-lab, the President of the Iberian Limnological Society (AIL) and a member of the Board of Freshwater Biological Association (UK). Her research interests mainly focus on the biodiversity, ecology, and conservation of freshwater ecosystems.

Brent Emerson


is a CSIC researcher based at the IPNA in Tenerife, where is the Director of the Department of Earth and Life Sciences, and Head of the Ecology and Evolution on Islands research group. His interests centre on the application of molecular tools to understand the processes that generate and structure diversity within arthropod systems, from the level of individual species, through to communities.

José María Fernández Calero


is an ecologist interested in the study of macroinvertebrates communities in temporary rivers and how different factors shape them. He is also focused on the study of river insect biodiversity in a context in which the scarcity of faunal studies endangers basic knowledge of ecology. He is a predoctoral researcher at the FEHM-lab at the University of Barcelona.

Pau Fortuño


is an ecologist with interest in biodiversity, ecology, management, conservation, and restoration of freshwater ecosystems. Currently, he is engaged in his doctoral research, which aims to evaluate the effectiveness of citizen science and environmental education in improving the management and research conducted in freshwater water bodies, with a special emphasis on temporary rivers.

Belinda Gallardo


is interested in biological invasions and climate change, two of the greatest threats to the conservation of native biodiversity and ecosystems. She is tenured researcher at Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (CSIC), coordinator of the Ecological Restoration research group, elected member of the European Council on biological invasions (Neobiota), the IUCN Authority on invasive species (EICAT), and the Spanish Network on biological invasions (InvaNET).

Francesc Gallart


is an hydrologist with experience on the study of hydrological processes and particularly of the hydrology of temporary (non-perennial) water courses. He led the development of the TREHS software tool that allows the operational characterisation and classification of the regime of temporary rivers from the point of view of the associated temporal patterns of habitats for aquatic life, using diverse kinds of information. He is now research professor ad honorem at the Surface Hydrology and Erosion group (IDAEA,CSIC), and a member of the FEHM-Lab.

Marcos A. González


Full professor in the Department of Zoology at the University of Santiago de Compostela and Director of the Natural History Museum of USC. Is an entomologist whose research focuses primarily on the systematic, taxonomy, biodiversity, biogeography and conservation of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Western Palearctic region.

Virgilio Hermoso


is a Senior Researcher at the University of Sevilla. He is an aquatic ecologist and conservation biologist, especially interested in how to best manage threats to the persistence of biodiversity under dynamic conditions and limited resources. His work involves an interdisciplinary approach, from ecology to mathematics and computing science, to understand the ecological and socio-economic problems behind the decline of biodiversity and ecosystem services and provide novel methods and tools to address them.

Pilar Llorens


is a researcher at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) in Barcelona. His studies focus on hydrology and global change in Mediterranean environments with strong emphasis on understanding the spatio-temporal variability of the hydrological response and the dynamics of water fluxes and residence times at the plot and catchment scale.

Pilar Llorens


is a hydrologist interested in ecohydrology that works in the effect of global change in the interactions between vegetation and water. She is currently a Senior Scientist of the Surface Hydrology, Ecology and Erosion group (SHE2) at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC).

Nieves López-Rodríguez


is a biologist now working with traditional methods and eDNA to understand how climate change, hydrological and natural disturbances and anthropogenic stressors are affecting different aquatic populations and communities in different ecosystems using these molecular methods. The results of this research will help management authorities, industry and other stakeholders to safeguard aquatic communities in a less damaging way.

David Mann


is a Research Associate of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and was formerly its Deputy Director and Head of Science; he is also a visiting researcher in IRTA. He has almost 50 years’ experience of research into the systematics, speciation and biogeography of microalgae, particularly diatoms, and has published extensively, including co-authoring an advanced textbook on algae and the classic work on diatom diversity (The diatoms: biology and morphology of the genera, 1990). Recently, he has been involved in developing metabarcoding for biomonitoring rivers.

Maria Soria


is an ecologist interested in the biodiversity, ecology, and conservation of freshwater ecosystems and their response to anthropogenic impacts. She is particularly interested in the study of macroinvertebrate communities in temporary rivers.
She is currently a Juan de la Cierva-Formación postdoctoral fellow at the Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis at the University of Vic (CERM-UVic) and a member of the FEHM-lab at the University of Barcelona.

Rosa Trobajo


is an aquatic ecologist specializing on diatoms of rivers and shallow coastal habitats. She is particularly interested in understanding their ecology and distributions, and in their use as bioindicators. She applies morphology, cultures and eDNA methods. She is a researcher of IRTA, a member of the FEHM-Lab, and currently the president of the International Society for Diatom Research. She is also coordinator of the recently founded Red de Diatomologos Hispanohablantes.

Pau Saa


is interested in biodiversity, ecology, conservation, and restoration of aquatic ecosystems. He is currently field sampling technician of the IRTA’s Marine and Continental Waters Programme.

Paula Mendoza


is a biologist and environmental scientist interested in the taxonomy and ecology of diatoms and how the climate change affects their biodiversity. Furthermore, she is also interested in the use of these organisms as bioindicators. Currently, she is doing a PhD at IRTA’s Marine and Continental Waters Programme.

Miriam Elena Salguero


is a Chemical Engineer finishing my master degree in Integrated Water Resources Management. The basic aim of my research is to investigate about surface water quality including determination of water quality indicators, bottom sediment quality indicators and biodiversity indicators. My research includes the study of surface water quality in rivers, lakes and reservoirs in El Salvador, C.A.