Two projects: 

Project 1: Bioacuana

Distribution and vulnerability to climate change of the aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Canary Islands


Project 2: Conacan

Freshwater biodiversity conservation in National Parks from the Canary Islands in a context of water scarcity and invasive species

Latest news

The researchers Miguel Cañedo Argüelles and Carlos Raúl Acosta participated in Saló de l’Ensenyament 2023, the most important education fair in Barcelona, which run from March 15 to 19.
El día 15 de febrero del 2023 tuvo lugar la reunión inicial del proyecto "Conservación de la biodiversidad acuática en los Parques Nacionales de las islas Canarias en un contexto de estrés hídrico y especies invasoras (CONACAN)" financiado por la Red de Parques Nacionales del Gobierno de España.
The biodiversity of freshwater is disappearing at an accelerating rate due to the human action. This is especially alarming in dry and isolated regions, where the water stress caused by the human demand and the climate change put at risk a large number of species.