The researchers Miguel Cañedo Argüelles and Carlos Raúl Acosta participated in Saló de l’Ensenyament 2023, the most important education fair in Barcelona, which run from March 15 to 19.

Within the Espai Ciència, organised by the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació, the IDAEA researchers run a workshop on the biodiversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates from the Canary Islands. On Friday 17 March, a total of 61 students visited the stand. They could observe these organisms through the stereoscopic magnifying glass and learn about their ecology and their role in keeping the planet’s rivers healthy.

The workshop was addressed to high-school students who were interested in learning about scientific careers. Source: Alicia Arroyo (IDAEA-CSIC)

This outreach activity is part of two projects: Distribución y vulnerabilidad al cambio climático de los macroinvertebrados acuáticos de las Islas Canarias (BIOACUANA), funded by the Fundación BBVA, and Conservación de la biodiversidad acuática en los Parques Nacionales de las Islas Canarias en un contexto de estrés hídrico y especies invasoras, funded by the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) through the National Parks call.



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